Our story

First I want to say thank you for visiting our site. We are so glad that you’re here. Steven and I can’t say enough about how excited we are to be able to do what we do. It would be a joy for us to be a part of your wedding day! While our tag line is catchy, it is most definitely true. We think marriage is AWESOME. So awesome that we decided to get married ourselves. April 14, 2018, Steven and I became husband and wife. As a recent bride myself, I know just how important quality wedding photos are. That’s why Steven and I will not only promise you that, but also a fun, comfortable, and memorable experience. I wanted to write this post for two reasons. One was so that you guys could get to know a little bit more about who Steven and I are and how we met; and two, to tell you guys how we decided on a name for our business and what it means to us.

Let’s all flash back to the year 2009. I was sitting in my 7th period science class and on the row beside me sat a silly 13-year-old boy. He had blond hair and blue eyes and had the cutest baby face there was. Through the funny flirtation and awkward conversations, he quickly became one of my greatest friends. Little did I know that he would be my husband one day. Flash forward to the year 2013, after years of being just friends, we went to a coffee shop on a Wednesday afternoon in February and it was then that we knew we couldn’t be just friends anymore. By June we were dating. The past 7 years have been a beautiful whirlwind. Through the ups and the downs, Steven has always stood right by my side and I by his. Flash forward to now, we are married and loving it. Obviously with almost 7 years under our belts, I could tell you so much more but the one thing I can say is that I love this guy more than I ever thought I could. He has my heart now and forever.


So enough of the mush, let’s talk about how we got our name. Steven and I dreamed up our business and our name back in 2017 . Deciding on that name was by far the hardest and most time consuming part. We spent hours brainstorming, saying the most random things, hoping that eventually it would lead us to something cool and interesting but it never did. And then finally, our last semester of college, we were driving back to Lynchburg from Louisville and we started brainstorming again. All this time my mind kept taking me back to the verse 1 John 4:19, “We love because he first loved us.” The words first and loved were what stood out to me the most and the more I said them together, the more I liked it. I often deem myself as uncreative and I couldn’t tell Steven what I was thinking for the fear of it sounding dumb, yet still hoping that somehow Scripture verses would be brought up and I could mention it. Eventually we stopped blurting random things and Steven said he thought we were doing this all wrong. He then asked me what was most important to me about our business. I started listing things: Jesus, love, relationships, etc. I then realized that he finally said something that could cue my thought. I told him that 1 John 4:19 ties all of those things together and just like that the words first loved came out of his mouth and I knew it was meant to be. I think it was cool that I didn’t just say it before because I think the Lord brought us both separately to those two words for a reason. Our heartbeat in life just so happens to be the name we call our business. We love because Christ first loved us. These marriages that we get to capture are an outpouring of God’s love for his people and we hope that those two simple words ring true in our lives as we begin and continue our lives and this business together. We pray we never lose sight of that.


Now that you’ve heard our love story, let’s talk about yours!